Aberdeen Junior League 1893-1899
Aberdeen & District Junior League 1901-1968
Aberdeenshire Amateur League 1947-date
Aberdeenshire League 1899-1900
Aberdeenshire & District League 1919-1953 (known as the North Eastern League (1919-1921))
Anglo-Scottish League 1955-1958
Angus County Junior League 1940-1946
Angus Junior League 1930-1969 (previously known as the Forfar & District Junior League (1902-1930))
Angus Junior Supplementary League 1963-1967
Angus & Kincardineshire Junior League 1946-1948 (changed name to Kincardineshire Junior League)
Annandale Junior League 1903-04, 1910-11, 1928-1930
Annbank & District Junior League 1908-09
Arbroath Junior League 1951-1955
Arbroath & District Junior League 1893-1924 (also known as the Melvin League)
Atholl League 1904-1907
Ayr Junior League 1893-94
Ayr & District Junior League 1896-1922
Ayrshire Amateur League 1935-date
Ayrshire Combination 1893-1897
Ayrshire Junior League 1892-93, 1894-95, 1899-1905, 1928-1931
Ayrshire League 1891-1895, 1896-97, 1900-1902, 1908-1911
Ayrshire Region Junior League 1968-2002
Ayrshire-Renfrewshire League 1903-1905
Ayrshire Southern Junior League 1926-1928 (previously known as the South Ayrshire Junior League (1920-1926), reconstituted as the Ayrshire Junior League (1928-1931)
Banffshire & District League 1899-1904
Banffshire League 1908-1913, 1919-20, 1929-30
Banffshire Junior League 1902-03, 1908-09
Berwick & District Junior League 1906-1908
Berwickshire League 1920-1922 (amateur league that attained Junior status in 1922)
Berwickshire Junior League 1922-1929 (previously an amateur league (1920-1922))
Border Amateur League 1901-1914
Border Amateur League 1936-date
Border Junior League 1912-1929
Border League 1893-94, 1896-1898, 1951-52
Border League (Cumberland-based) 1905-06
Border Senior League 1902-1923
Brechin Junior League 1901-1903
Buckie & District Junior League 1908-1936
Burnbank & District Junior League 1908-1910
Caithness County League 1926-date
Caithness North East Rural League 1930-1974
Caledonian League 1983-date (Amateur competition)
Cambuslang & District Junior League 1897-98, 1905-1908
Campbeltown & District Junior League 1930-1940
Central Combination 1897-1903
Central Highland League 1939-40
Central League 1896-1898, 1903-1905, 1909-1921
Central Region Junior League 1968-2002
Central Region Junior League Results for seasons 1968-1970
Central Scotland Amateur League 1988-date
City & District Junior League 1919-1922 (Dundee based league)
Clackmannanshire Junior League 1896-1909
Clydebank & District Cup/League 1899-1901
Cumnock & District Junior League 1902-03, 1907-1914
Dumbartonshire & District League 1901-1903
Dumbartonshire Junior League 1898-99, 1903-1907, 1910-1913
Dumfries & District Amateur League 1954-2014
Dumfries Junior League 1899-1900
Dumfries and District Amateur Junior League 1945-1951
Dundee & District Junior League 1894-1969
Dundee City Junior League 1926-27
Dundee North-Western Junior League 1926-27
Eastern Alliance 1891-92
Eastern League 1904-1907, 1912-1914, 1915-1923 and 1945-46
Eastern League 1921-22 (Edinburgh & Borders version)
East Fife Amateur League 1930-2000
East Lothian Junior League 1893-1915
East Fife Junior League 1919-1922
East of Fife Junior League 1892-1894, 1898-99
East of Scotland Junior League 1899-1904
East of Scotland Junior League 1912-1922
East of Scotland Junior League 1922-1926, 1928-29
East of Scotland League 1893-94 version
East of Scotland League 1896-1908 version (previously called the Edinburgh League (1894-1896))
East of Scotland League 1923-date Final Tables (includes the Eastern League (1912-1914, 1921-22) and Edinburgh & District League (1930-1935))
East of Scotland League 1923-date Winners Lists
East of Scotland League 1923-date Results for seasons 1923-1957
East Region Junior League 1968-date
Edinburgh & District Junior League 1892-1897
Edinburgh & District Junior League 1945-1968
Edinburgh & District League 1930-1935
Edinburgh Junior League 1904-1912
Edinburgh League 1894-1896 (renamed the East of Scotland League)
Elgin & District Junior League 1899-1900
Evening Times Trophy 1896-1979 (Championship trophy for the Glasgow Junior League, Scottish Central Junior League and Central Region Junior League)
Falkirk District League 1898-1901
Falkirk & District Junior League 1893-1898
Fife County Junior League 1921-1968
Fife Junior League 1919-1921
Fife League 1903-1905 (also known as Fife Cup)
Fife Region Junior League 1968-2002
Fifeshire Junior League 1902-1918
Forfar & Brechin Junior League 1900-01
Forfar & District Junior League 1902-1930 (renamed the Angus Junior League)
Forfar County League 1894-95
Forfarshire County League 1897-1902, 1903-04, 1909-1911 (also known as the Carry Cup)
Glasgow District Junior League 1899-1900 (this version was renamed the Scottish Junior League), 1901-1911
Glasgow District Junior League (1931-32 version organised by the Scottish Central Junior League)
Glasgow Junior League 1895-1927
Glasgow League 1895-1899, 1904-1906
Glasgow & District Midweek League 1912-13
Glasgow & District Reserve League 1942-1945 (also featured the 1st XI of Kilmarnock FC)
Glasgow & West of Scotland League 1898-1906 (previously called the Western League (1898-99))
Govan Junior League 1897-98
Greenock & District Junior League 1894-1897
Haddingtonshire Cup 1881-1885 (played as a league competition, one of the earliest examples of this)
Hamilton & District Junior League 1903-04 (supplementary competition)
Highland & Islands Women's League 2019-date
Highland League 1893-date (winners list)
Highland League 1893-date (final tables)
Highland League 1893-date (dates and results)
Howe of Fife Junior League 1902-1908
Inter-City League 1899-1906
Inter-City Midweek League 1912-13
Inter-County Junior League 1906-1914 (Dundee-based league)
Inter-County League 1904-1906, 1916-17
Inverness Junior League 1951-1953
Irvine & District Junior League 1907-1920 (previously known as the North Ayrshire Junior League (1903-04) and Northern District Junior League (1904-1907)
Kilmarnock & District Junior League 1895-1921
Kincardineshire Junior League 1907-1932, 1946-1955 (known as Angus & Kincardineshire Junior League (1946-1948))
Kingdom Caledonian Amateur League 1984-2017
Kingdom of Fife Amateur League 2017-date
Kirkcaldy & District Amateur League 1927-2000
Kirkcudbrightshire League 1920-21 (renamed Stewartry League)
Lanark & Lothians Junior League 1941-1945
Lanarkshire Junior Alliance 1892-1903
Lanarkshire Junior League 1891-1968
Lanarkshire Junior League Supplementary League 1962-1966
Lanarkshire North-Western Junior League 1898-1900
Lanarkshire League 1898-1901
Lanarkshire Second Junior League 1894-95
Leith & District Junior League 1897-98
Linlithgowshire Junior League 1904-1922
Linlithgowshire League 1895-96
Lochee & District Junior League 1897-1900
Lothian & Edinburgh Amateur League 1998-date
Lothian Junior League 1915-1919
Lowland League 2013-date
Melvin League 1893-1924 (also known as the Arbroath & District Junior League)
Midland Amateur League 1926-date
Midland Counties Junior League 1925-26
Midland Junior League 1896-1901 version
Midland Junior League 1939-1947 version
Midland League 1891-1897, 1903-04, 1908-1911
Midland Region Junior League 1969-1975 (renamed the Tayside Region Junior League)
Midlands League 2021-date
Midlothian Junior League 1892-1922
Midlothian Junior League 1926-1941
Midlothian League 1896-97
Monifieth Junior League 1895-99
Montrose Junior League 1892-1896, 1901-1906
Montrose & Kincardineshire Junior League 1936-1939
Morayshire Junior League 1905-1968
Musselburgh Junior League 1898-1901 (Reconstituted as the Musselburgh Junior Cup)
North Ayrshire Junior League 1903-04 (reconstituted as the Northern District Junior League)
North Ayrshire League 1895-1908 (also known as the North Ayrshire Cup)
North Caledonian League 1896-date (previously called the the North of Scotland Junior League (1896-1935) and the North of Scotland 2nd XI League (1935-1984))
North Eastern League 1919-1921 (reconstituted as the Aberdeenshire League)
North-Eastern League 1931-32 (previously constiuted as the Banffshire League)
North-Eastern Junior League 1931-32 (organised by the Scottish Central Junior League)
North-East Fife Junior League 1899-1901
North-East Lanarkshire Junior League 1902-03
North Highland League 1939-40
North of Scotland League 1940-41 and 1945-46
North of Scotland Junior League 1896-1935 (this is the forerunner of the present North Caledonian League)
North of Scotland Junior League 1935-1938
North of Scotland 2nd XI League 1935-1984 (renamed the North Caledonian League)
North Perthshire League 1910-11, 1921-1923
Northern District Junior League 1904-1907 (Ayrshire competition, previously known as the North Ayrshire Junior League, reconstiuted as the Irvine & District Junior League)
Northern League 1891-1920
North Region Junior League 1968-date (Champions are awarded the Wick Allan Shield)
Oban Bullough League 1908-c1928
Perth City & County League 1899-1900
Perth Junior League 1891-1899
Perth & District Junior League 1899-1919
Perth & District Junior League 1928-1946
Perthshire Amateur League 1930-date
Perthshire League 1897-1957
Perthshire Junior League 1919-1929
Perthshire Junior League 1946-1969
Provincial League 1927-28
Renfrewshire Junior League 1897-98, 1904-1906, 1915-16, 1920-1927, 1931-32. 1933-34
Renfrewshire League 1894-95
Renfrewshire Combination 1896-97
Ross-shire Junior League 1920-21, 1930-1936, 1944-45
Sanquhar & District Junior League 1907-1909
Scottish Alliance 1891-1897
Scottish Alliance 1905-06
Scottish Alliance 1919-1938 (mainly a reserve competition but also featured non-league clubs)
Scottish Alliance 1939-40
Scottish Alliance 1956-57
Scottish Amateur League 1901-date
Scottish Central Junior League 1931-1968
Scottish Central Junior League Results for seasons 1951-1954 and 1960-1968
Scottish Central Junior League Supplementary League 1948-1950
Scottish Combination 1896-1911, 1935-1937
Scottish Combined Reserve League 1958-1972
Scottish County League 1899-1900
Scottish Federation 1891-1893, 1898-99
Scottish Intermediate League 1927-1931
Scottish Junior Alliance 1892-93
Scottish Junior League 1892--1894, 1899-1904 (previously known as the Glasgow District Junior League (1899-1900)), 1908-1947
Scottish League 1890-2013
Scottish League C Division 1946-1955
Scottish League C Division Supplementary League 1947-1949, 1954-55
Scottish North-Eastern League 1941-1945
Scottish Premier League 1998-2013
Scottish Professional League 2013-date
Scottish Reserve League 1909-1915 (mainly a reserve competition but also featured non-league clubs)
Scottish Reserve League 1938-1940
Scottish Reserve League 1945-1949
Scottish (Reserve) League 1955-1975
Scottish Southern League 1940-1946
Scottish Union 1906-1915
Scottish Women's League 1972-date
Scottish Women's Premier League 2002-date
Second Glasgow Junior League 1908-09
Segell Challenge Cup League 1897-1900 (Forfar-based Junior competition)
Shotts & District Junior League 1900-1903
Southern Counties League 1897-98, 1910-11, 1914-15, 1921-1923, 1924-25, 1927-1937
Southern League (Borders) 1908-09
South Ayrshire Junior League 1920-1926, 1931-32 (reconstituted as the Ayrshire Southern League (1926-1928) and as the Ayrshire Junior League (1928-1931))
The South Ayrshire Junior League 1920-1932 book by James McCauley
South of Scotland League 1892-93 version
South of Scotland League 1946-date version (league tables)
South of Scotland League 1946-date version (league champions)
Stewartry League 1894-1897 and 1921-22 (this version previously known as the Kirkcudbrightshire League)
Stirling & District Junior League 1896-1900 (re-formed as the Stirlingshire Junior League)
Stirlingshire League 1893-94
Stirlingshire Central Junior League 1898-99
Stirlingshire Junior League 1896-1927 (previously known as the Stirling & District Junior League (1896-1900))
Strathaven & District Junior League 1900-1902
Strathmore Junior League 1919-1922
Tayside Region Junior League 1969-2002 (previously known as the Midland Region Junior League (1969-1975))
Vale of Doon Junior League 1908-09
West Fife Junior League 1893-1905
West of Fife Junior League 1919-1921
Western Intermediate League 1927-1931 (previously known as the Western Junior League, reconstituted as the Western League)
Western Junior League 1898-1902
Western Junior League 1904-1906
Western Junior League 1919-1931 (reconstituted as the Western Intermediate League)
Western League 1898-99 (renamed the Glasgow & West of Scotland League)
Western League 1915-1923 (colloquial name for the West of Scotland League)
Western League 1931-1968 Junior version, previously known as the Western Junior League (1919-1927) and Western Intermediate League (1927-1931))
West of Scotland League 1915-1923 (commonly known as the Western League)
West of Scotland League 2020-date
West Perthshire League 1911-12
West Region Junior League 2002-2020
Wick (& Pultneytown) Senior League 1894-1922 (including the Leith Cup 19894-95)
Wick & Pulteneytown Junior League 1894-1911
Wigtownshire League 1913-14, 1923-1925
Southern League 1907-08 (Borders competition)
Stewartry League 1894-1897, 1921-22
Thurso Senior League 1894-1973
Western Intermediate League 1927-1931
Wigtownshire League 1913-14, 1923-1925